Gucci is out here living his best life! Who wouldn't after having a lavish million dollar wedding!? His baby mama, Sheena Evans, is well aware of the cash he dropped to jump the broom, and is now demanding he up his child support payments to $20k/month!!
According to, Sheena and Gucci reached an agreement on custody and child support over their son back in 2011. Sheena was awarded primary physical custody, while Gucci was granted visitations and ordered to pay $2,026/month in child support. Which, at the time, was based off his monthly income of $24k/month.
Sheena claims that her circumstances have drastically changed since their 2011 agreement..claiming that their son, who is now 11, needs a caregiver to watch him throughout the day and being that she can't afford one, she is unable to work or go to school at the moment. She also argues that since Gucci's prison release in 2016, his music has thrived and he's been making money with movies, business deals, and reality TV. She says he flashes his expensive cars and jewelry on social media and after his $1 million wedding, he FOR SURE can afford to pay more than $2k/month in child support!
Sheena is demanding child support be raised to $20k a month, wants him to take out a $5 million life insurance policy, and wants him to fork over $15k in attorney fees.
Y'all think this is fair?