20 year old Kylie Jenner has been M.I.A. since SEPTEMBER! Which is odd, not just because she's famous, but because she LIVES for Instagram & Snapchat! She flaunts her body every chance she gets, she looks good and she knows it..but then it all suddenly stopped COINCIDENTALLY as soon as pregnancy rumors started swirling. Hm?
Yesterday the TMZ paps caught a pregnant Kylie walking with her bestie Jordan & mom, Kris Jenner, following closely behind. They were checking out a construction site in Hidden Hills..it looks like someone on site (one of the construction workers maybe?) was close and sneaky enough to grab a quick video of Kylie hopping into her SUV.
Check out the pic & video below!
Although I do feel kind of bad that Kylie and the family clearly want to keep this under wraps and to themselves and people just won't let them....I also can't help but be excited to see her with a bump..like I want to look away and give her privacy BUT I CAN'T!! LOL
She's allegedly due SOON, within the first couple weeks of Feb, and BD Travis Scott reportedly revealed to friends they're having a baby girl.